Volunteer Policy
College of Coastal Georgia - University System of Georgia
Official Title: Volunteer Program Policy
Abbreviated Title: Volunteer Policy
Volume: CCGA Policies
Responsible Office: AVP of Human Resources & Auxiliary Services
Originally Issued: June 21, 2011
Effective Date: June 21, 2011
Revised: August 25, 2017

Volunteer Program Policy

Policy Statement

The College of Coastal Georgia welcomes volunteer support to accomplish its missions of education and public service. The service, advice, and insight that volunteers provide are an invaluable resource. The College will make every effort to provide volunteers a meaningful, worthwhile experience.

Reason for Policy

This policy is designed to reduce volunteer risk and protect the interests of the College, its volunteers, and the community it serves. It addresses various issues regarding the engagement of volunteers for services to the College, defines the voluntary relationship, its privileges and responsibilities, and clarifies the College’s liability for using the services of volunteers.

Entities Affected by This Policy

Any School, Office or Department that engages volunteers on behalf of the College is covered by this policy.

Who Should Read This Policy

Any School, Office or Department that engages volunteers on behalf of the College, as well as all employees of the Human Resources Department, should be familiar with this policy.


Website Address for This Policy


Related Documents/Resources


These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in this policy:


The College values the meaningful contributions that volunteers provide to the institution. In an effort to establish uniform procedures for screening and engaging volunteers, this policy has been developed. It provides information on the eligibility to volunteer, guidelines, work restrictions, and forms that are required to be completed before volunteers can begin work at the College.

I. Responsibility of Volunteers

Voluntary service, while uncompensated, establishes the volunteer as an agent of the institution while performing assigned duties. Therefore, volunteers are expected to abide by College policies, procedures, and external regulations (e.g., Board of Regent policies) that govern their actions, including, but not limited to, those of ethical behavior, confidentiality, and alcohol and drug use.

II. Who May Volunteer?

Anyone eighteen (18) years of age or older, including retirees, students, alumni, or other community members may provide volunteer service to the College. Current employees may only volunteer at the College for special occasions, such as athletic events or commencement.

III. Volunteer Services NOT Requiring an Agreement

As discussed more fully below, a College volunteer is generally required to complete a Volunteer Agreement Form before he or she may engage in volunteer activities at the institution. However, for certain one-time activities generally considered low-risk, such an agreement is not required. Activities for which a Volunteer Agreement Form is not required include, but are not limited to:

Generally, all other volunteer activities at the College are required to have an approved Volunteer Agreement Form. Any questions about whether a Volunteer Agreement Form is required should be directed to the Director of Human Resources.

IV. Procedures

When selecting and engaging a volunteer, the School, Office or Department is responsible for ensuring the individual has adequate experience, qualifications, and training for the task he or she will be required to perform. Any School, Office or Department wishing to utilize the services of a volunteer must comply with the following procedures:

V. Prohibited Activities

Volunteer services are generally limited to humanitarian, charitable, or public services. Accordingly, College volunteers are prohibited from performing any of the following activities:

VI. Liability for Volunteers

The College is self-insured through the Department of Administrative Services Risk Management Services against state tort claims. This coverage is extended to College volunteers who are part of a structured program organized, controlled and directed by a College Department for the purpose of carrying out the functions of the institution. The liability coverage is for injuries and/or property damage volunteers may cause others while acting in the course of their official volunteer duties. Liability coverage does not apply when volunteers deviate from the course of their volunteer duties.

VII. Benefits for Volunteers

College volunteers are not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act and are not considered employees of the institution for any purpose. Therefore, volunteers are not entitled to any employee benefits, and the College does not provide volunteers with accident or medical insurance. Further, volunteers are not covered by workers’ compensation laws in connection with their volunteer affiliation. If their volunteer duties require utilization of their personal vehicles, the College does not provide comprehensive or collision insurance for their personal vehicle.

VIII. Payments to Volunteers

Payment, promise of payment, or special consideration for voluntary services are not allowed. However, the School, Office or Department may reimburse pre-approved actual and reasonable expenses arising from the performance of assigned tasks following the standard College reimbursement procedures. Such pre-approval shall be documented in writing between the volunteer and the School, Office, or Department head prior to the occurrence of the activity for which expenses are authorized.

IX. Required Training for Volunteers

Pursuant to Section of the University System of Georgia (USG) Ethics Policy, volunteers shall participate in USG Ethics Policy training. Additionally, volunteers must complete the USG Environmental Affairs/Right-to-Know on-line training program, available at http://www.usg.edu/facilities/rtk-ghs. Finally, volunteers shall attend the College’s Active Shooter training as soon as practicable after beginning their service.

X. Ending the Volunteer Arrangement

A College volunteer’s service may be ended at any time at the sole and exclusive discretion of the College and without prior notice. Likewise, a volunteer may give notice of intent to leave at any time.

XI. Record Retention

The Human Resources Department will retain all completed Volunteer Agreement Forms for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of the volunteer’s last day of service.

XII. Returning Volunteers

If the individual is a returning volunteer, but the break in their service is greater than six (6) months, all applicable processes described above must be completed again.

XIII. Change in Duties

If an individual is a current volunteer, but his or her duties are changed, all applicable forms and processes described above must be completed once again.


The Responsibilities each party has in connection with this policy are:


